
Fully responsive sliders


[layerslider id=“4″ /]

[layerslider id=“1″ /]

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Normal slider

  • Relax and enjoy

  • Welcome!

  • Immersive features

  • Powerful behind the scenes

  • Welcome!

  • Small caption

    Sub-header sliders can be added to just about any page, portfolio item, post or product (Woocommerce).

    Did you know you can have videos here too?

  • Another caption

  • HTML5 Video

    This slider supports HTML5 and FLV self-hosted videos by integrating the awesome SublimeVideo player.

    Instantly add your custom videos by uploading them to your server and pasting their URL, it’s as simple as that, no need to paste that crazy embed object code.

  • Relax and enjoy

  • Welcome!

  • Immersive features

  • Powerful behind the scenes

  • Welcome!

  • Small caption

    Sub-header sliders can be added to just about any page, portfolio item, post or product (Woocommerce).

    Did you know you can have videos here too?

  • Another caption

  • HTML5 Video

    This slider supports HTML5 and FLV self-hosted videos by integrating the awesome SublimeVideo player.

    Instantly add your custom videos by uploading them to your server and pasting their URL, it’s as simple as that, no need to paste that crazy embed object code.

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[slider] shortcode parameters:

Parameter name Parameter description Possible values Default value
animSpeed The number of milliseconds of each transition animation 500
pauseTime The number of milliseconds between slider transitions 5000
numberSlides The maximum number of slides to display in the slider 10
cats A comma separated value list of the category IDs to be displayed
(how to know the category IDs)

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